
English Blog Serch

10 06

1. Paul’s letter to the church of Rome

From this October, we will read the Epistle to Romans. This epistle, or letter, was written by Paul to Christians of the church of Rome, in the capital of the Empire. The writing is having a power to push the Christian church to move throughout the history. For example, Martin Luther*1 launched the Reform movement with the theory of “Sola fide (Faith alone),” which had been inspired by “Romans.” Or, “Study on Romans” by Kanzo Uchimura *2 is still considered to be the theological base of Japanese protestantism. And Karl Barth*3, one of the most influential theologians of the modern protestant domain, established his thinking by basing on “Romans.” And we will reflect on the letter for 3 months ahead as if it were addressed to this congregation of Shinozaki church.

Paul wrote the letter in Corinth. After preaching 2 and a half years in the Roman province of Asia (today’s Turkey), he went to Corinth by land. He was then about to go to Jerusalem and waiting on the departure of a boat to reach Palestine. He was under the mission to bring the money collected in Macedonia and Achaea to the church of Jerusalem. The early church suffered from conflicts between Jewish-christians and Gentile-christians. And Paul wished to alleviate hostile feelings of the mother church against Gentile christians by offerings those donations. However, Paul’s interest was already focused on Rome, towards the West. He revealed the plan to go to Rome at the end of the letter. ; - Now, however, I am on my way to Jerusalem in the service of the saints there. … So after I have completed this task and have made sure that they have received this fruit, I will go to Spain and visit you on the way. (see Romans15:25-29)

If he could have sailed immediately to the West, we could have arrived at Roma soon. But he must go to Jerusalem at first, toward the East. Paul was determined to spread the Gospel to all over the Roman Empire before his death. And he had achieved a half of the goal, the East part of the Empire. Then he aimed at Spain, the extreme part of the world in the ancient mind. Besides, he had another ambition to stabilize the church of Rome, the center of the Empire. Certain Romans had already converted to Christianity there. However he had never met yet Christians in Rome. He wanted to make them understand in advance what was his own preaching. It was the first intention of writing the epistle “Romans.”

The letter was addressed directly to the Christians in the church of Rome. (see Romans 1:7) In that era, Jewish people had founded communities in principal cities of the Empire. And those Diaspora kept contacts closely and frequently with the Jews in Jerusalem. Therefore Christianity, a new religious movement which occurred at the beginning of 30s in Jerusalem, was spread out of Judaea into those communities, including Rome. Many flocks of Jewish and Gentile Christians might be formed during 40s.

It seems that Christianity in early time was considered to be a branch of Judaism. Claudius, the Roman emperor, expelled the Jews from Rome in 49 CE probably because of conflicts which occurred in the Jewish community in Rome. New born Christians might cause problems with conservative Jews there. Nature of the conflict should be opposite attitudes in regard to observance of the Jewish laws. And Priscilla and Aquila, Roman Christians, were involved in those troubles and set off from Rome then came to Corinth. They met Paul there. Paul should heard from them about actualities of the church of Rome. (see Romans 16:3)

After the exile of the Jews from Rome, Gentile Christians continued to get together and observed the worship in personal houses. Following the death of Claudius, the ban of Jewish people was lifted in 54. However the situation of believers had changed during those 5 years. Gentile Christians preached vigorously and successively. Numbers of believers in Rome increased substantially. The fact was known in other parts of the Empire, as Paul remarked it, ; - First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is being reported all over the world. (Romans 1:8)

But the return of Jewish Christians generated problems again. Gentile Christians didn’t observe the Jewish laws whereas certain Jewish Christians still insisted on the observance categorically. Those conservatives, supported by the church of Jerusalem, required even the practice of circumcision on Gentile Christians. Paul worried about the tendency a great deal because he entitled himself to be the leader of the ministry over Gentiles. We feel his anxiety from several parts of the letter.

*1Martin Luther http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Luther
*2 Kanzō Uchimura http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanzō_Uchimura
Christianity in Japan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_Japan
*3 Karl Barth http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Barth
*4 Claudius http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudius#Judicial_and_legislative_affairs

2. Rome, the momentous place for Paul

Following the greetings, Paul expressed his appreciation of Romans’ faith, ; - ”your faith is being reported all over the world”(Romans 1:8)

Then he revealed his long-time desire to go to Rome and preach there. He had the conviction that it was God’ will. ; - God, whom I serve with my whole heart in preaching the gospel of his Son, is my witness how constantly I remember you in my prayers at all times; and I pray that now at last by God’s will the way may be opened for me to come to you.(see Romans1:9-10)

His willingness must be normal. He considered himself to be “the Apostle for the gentiles” and Rome was the center of the world in that era. All things came to and go out of the City. He desired to place himself in that very place to disseminate the Gospel to the whole world. He wanted strongly to meet believers in Rome in order to share the strong faith with them and work together. However it was not he who initiated them into the teaching of Jesus. Therefore preferred to be their supporter rather than the leader. ; - I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong― that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.(Romans1:11-12)

Thus he emphasized on the equal state of both sides ; - …I planned many times to come to you… in order that I might have a harvest among you, just as I have had among the other Gentiles.(Romans 1:13)

In that way, he planned to anchor the core of the church in the center of the Roman Empire. Till then, he had preached to future believers alone, who had not known yet the Gospel, as he said in Romans 15:20 ; - …I would not be building on someone else’s foundation.

Nonetheless, from the strategic point of view, he changed his mind. He recognized the necessity to form a very strong base of ministry in Rome by collaborating with existing Christians. And, as a matter of fact, Paul knew some believers in Rome, for example Priscilla and Aquila. (see Romans 16:3-16, in which he wrote almost 30 persons’ names as his friends in Rome. Afterwords, he confessed again his conviction of being “the Apostle for Gentiles,” ; - I am obligated both to Greeks and non-Greeks, both to the wise and the foolish.(Romans 1:14)

Greeks of the time thought their intelligence level was the highest in the world and pretended to be the leaders of the human civilization. As a result, they looked down on other peoples. But Paul ignored the distinction between Greeks and non-Greeks. He though he was responsible to the conversion of all Gentiles, regardless of cultural differences. He was thus determined to spread the Gospel to all humans on the earth, without any exception. For that purpose, he wanted eagerly to establish the center of mission in Rome, the core of the world. ; - That is why I am so eager to preach the gospel also to you who are at Rome.(Romans 1:15)

3. To share the Good News

Paul declared, “I am not ashamed of the gospel.”(Romans 1:16) It should be stupid for the majority of peoples in the Greek and Roman world to believe that Jesus was the savior. Because they didn’t know yet the power of God would save all humans from sin through the Cross of redemption. Jesus was still an anonymous man who had been executed in a local province of the Empire. For that reason Paul needed to show clearly his stance toward the faith.

And he explained, ; - Because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.(Romans 1:16)

We too must be courageous to say, “We are not ashamed of the gospel,” to the Japanese of these days. Because their mind totally relies on highly advanced scientific technology. Consequently, they deny the power of God which cannot be explained in rational way. Nonetheless, we must make efforts to spread the Gospel to others in order that all humans will be saved by believing in it.

The Gospel is in words. But those words are not of mere human languages. They have substantial power to change peoples who listen to them. And the words will give a new life to those humans who are changed by listening to them. They arrive thus at the salvation.

Then what is exactly “the salvation?” It is the emancipation from sin and death. It is the eternal life. And the salvation is not expected in a far future but is already done here, now. Surely, it need more time to accomplish the path to the goal, but the Holy Spirt is working inside us. Therefore we can be sure of its realization as the real fact which awaits us.

And the faith is the act of bowing before God and listening to the Gospel. We must trust our entity to that Good News. Because it predicts the arrival of Jesus Christ. We must surrender ourselves to Jesus in order to live in the amiable relationship with God. Believers in Jesus Christ will receive necessarily God’s power which led us to the salvation.

Paul said, “The salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” For that reason, he ignored observance of Jewish laws to preach to Gentiles, the circumcision for example. He taught that it was unnecessary to convert to Judaism in order to become the people of God. Due to such an attitude, he was accused by conservative Jews. They even tried to kill him as an apostate. Furthermore, some Jewish Christians also blamed him for being a false believer because of ignorance of Jewish laws. Paul fought with those persons by putting his life at danger. The verse Romans 1:16 above is represents the essential of his way of thinking and living.

“Gentiles” mean here “all non-Jewish peoples.” And Paul said that the Gospel had the power of God, which would save all humans, regardless of cultural and religious boundaries. Because the Gospel reflects the righteousness of God. “The righteousness of God” points to the act of God, which forgives and rehabilitates sinners. The Gospel announces the Cross and the Resurrection of Jesus who redeems all humans. Thus they would enter again into the harmonious relationship with God. And Paul taught that such a procedure would make us “absolute believers,” regardless of any personal qualifications. He said ; - For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”(Romans 1:17 ) The quote was taken from Habakkuk 32:4

In conclusion, Romans 1:16-17 represents the theme of Epistle to the Romans, which makes the core of Paul’s own Gospel.

We chose 1 Corinthians 9:23 as today’s invocation verse ; - I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.
Paul was filled with joy in hope of sharing the gospel in God’s glorious blessings. That hope gave him enormous power to bear joyfully any difficulties and pains. Indeed, he bore whatever happened to him. ; - “Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, I have been constantly on the move…I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked.(2 Corinthians 11:24-27)

After writing the letter, Paul left Corinth and set off to Jerusalem. But he gat in troubles with Jews in Jerusalem, who intended to kill him. Due to that incident, he was arrested by Romans. He was incarcerated for 2 years there then sent to Rome to attend the court of the Emperor. God realized in such an unexpected way Paul’s desire to go to Rome to preach . It is said that Paul was martyred in 64, under the persecutions of Nero against Christians.

Paul said, “I am not ashamed of the gospel.” It means that he was willing to do every thing for the sake of the Gospel. Our congregation launched the reconstruction project of the church building. The budget of 70 millions yens weigh heavily on this tiny flock of less than 40 members. If we try to carry it out merely to have certain comfort for us, the plan won’t reach the goal. Because constructing a church building cannot be done with easy mind and redundant money. But if we make efforts to have a desirable place for sharing the Gospel, all necessary things should be supplied by God. Then the new building will be an offering to God. What we must have now is this determination, “Be willing to bear any difficulties in order to spread the Gospel,” similar to Paul’s.

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