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10 07

1.Jesus’ teaching on marriage and divorce

Mark reported in the chapter 10 what Jesus taught about marriage and divorce. Jesus’ words in the passage ” what God has joined together, let man not separate” had become and was the standard of family system in Christian society for more than 2000 years. Especially Roman Catholic church considers it as to be an order given by God and categorically bans divorce in any cases. In contrast to that stance Protestant denominations which appeared in 16th century interpreted the phrase in spiritual sense and understood Jesus’ teaching this way : definition of marriage is tight relationship between man and woman, based on matrimonial love. Consequently if the love disappeared it is no more authentic marriage and, in that case, divorce could be justified.

In short, Catholic and Protestant churches grasp differently signification of the same verse and believers of each side are making decision in distinct ways. Today we will reflect on the passage to see what Jesus really intended to teach by referring to literal expression.

The chapter 10 describes the scene in which Pharisees came to Jesus to trap him ;- Some Pharisees came and tested him by asking, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” (Mark 10:2)

Though they knew that commandments allowed divorce they asked such a question. They thought that Jesus would give controversial answer by forbidding divorce, which was against the law. Because Jesus had showed very severe attitude against adultery and strongly advocated tight and definitive matrimonial relationship. Jesus gat insight into their mind and questioned back. ;- “What did Moses command you?” he replied. They said, “Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away."(Mark 10:3-4)

Pharisees were referring to Deuteronomy 24 :1 ;- If a man marries a woman who becomes displeasing to him because he finds something indecent about her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce, gives it to her and sends her from his house,

However Jewish Rabbis interpreted the expression “a woman who becomes displeasing to him ” in various ways. Those who followed Hillel’s* teachings said that only unfaithful conducts of wife could be the case whereas disciples of Shammai* accepted other trivial cases as justifiable causes, like bad cooking or even aging of wife.

Against all those interpretations Jesus showed an integral stance;- “It was because your hearts were hard that Moses wrote you this law,” Jesus replied. “But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female. (Mark 10:5-6)

Jesus’ words came from Genesis 2:18 ;- The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” and he criticized those who were abusing the law by giving worthless reasons to divorce and remarry. They twisted God’s will for humans’ egoistic desire, Jesus implied.

Indeed God wants man and woman to have a matrimonial life united in love, in which both of two are equal and faithful to each other.

Mark wrote ;- Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."(Mark 10:9)

However we must understand that Jesus was forbidding only cases which were decided by men following their ego-centrical desires. In Jewish society of the time women had no means to earn money honestly and divorce should push women to live under miserable conditions or to enter in a sinful life, prostitution. Jesus’ real intention was to protect women, or the socially weak.

2. Do not be formalist

Also we must understand that what Jesus told them is “Good News*” , not moralistic lessons. As Mark reported that Jesus said “Do not cause little ones to sin” or “Take care of little ones” (see Mark 9:42, also Matthew 10:42) Jesus’ teaching on divorce should be comprehended in the same frame, protection for socially weak persons. Jesus acknowledged very well that Jewish society then was extremely male dominant one in which women were considered to be the inferior, of status near to slaves’. In such a social structure ” to divorce one’s wife” is same as ” to throw her out of the house.” Therefore it should be anachronistic mistake to take Jesus’ teaching literally then apply it to today’s world . If we do so we might be similar to Pharisees who twisted God’s will.

Catholic church understands Jesus’ words as moralistic teaching and rejects any case of divorce. I think that it might be one of reasons for couple to live together without marrying because the number of such persons increased significantly in Catholic countries. It seems that young ones there would consider marriage to be lifetime yoke. They might say “If divorce is impossible I prefer avoid official procedure which might bind me till death”

Very often they think that marriage is distinguished from living together with a mere paper of registration. However the very paper could change our way of living. Being married must signify before all being united in spiritual way, not in social-state or physical sense. The vow of “We will love each other by remaining faithful in sickness and in health” should require us determination and perseverance. Nonetheless if all divorces are forbidden we might easily led to neglect efforts to keep ideal relationship then authentic meaning of marriage would be forgatten.

Therefore we must read Jesus’ teaching not literally but by taking actual context into consideration. Matthew also gave a relating lesson concerning adultery ;-But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.(Matthew 5:28)

That phrase might make us to think sexual desire itself is an act similar to adultery. Probably for that reason Catholic priests respect celibacy. But it is practically impossible to avoid such a natural desire, especially for young men. In consequence, many potential believers were left the church by thinking they could never become faithful christians. But if sexual desire itself is sin God words in the Old Testament make contradiction ;- And God blessed them; and God said to them(man and woman), Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it;( Genesis 1:28)

Besides “a woman” in original Greek is ¦Ã¦Ô¦Í¦Áῖ¦Ê¦Á (gunaika)” which can signify also ” wife” and in the French Bible the word is translated to ” femme” , which has two meanings, woman and wife. If we choose ” wife” in place of “woman” the same verse gives another interpretation. Only the act of looking at someone’s wife with lustful wish is considered to be similar to adultery.

As you see now that lecture of biblical verses by placing them in adequate context is very important. For example Jesus’ teaching has its background in the Old Testaments, in which only married or engaged women were condemned for adultery, not men. Even though sexual relationship out of marriage itself was morally criticized men’s were out of official accusation. Beside it seems that relationship with gentile women were overlooked. When Jewish people talk about adultery it concerned only married or engaged women. And Jesus did not give the lesson with moralistic purpose but to tell us fundamental meaning of matrimonial life, spiritual unity of two souls. Therefore his teaching of marriage and divorce should be grasped as “Good news”, not as ethical lessons.

3. Marriage decision based on the faith.

Basically the Bible does not forbid divorce. But that is only to allow us to open another way of living, more meaningful and more sincere with our heart and spirit. Therefore option would not be possible without condition.

According to pastor Sakiichi, professor of Konan Women’s University, the first protestant christian who admitted humans’ right of divorce was John Milton*, an English poet and the author of ‘"Paradise Lost”. He was also a Puritan and polemicist and praised highly freedom of faith and speech and consequently of divorce. He reflected profoundly upon Jesus’ teaching concerning divorce and concluded that Jesus had defined marriage as state of man and woman united by God in physical and spiritual sense. And Milton also thought that aim of marriage is seeking harmony between man and woman in faithful and mental way, in accordance with God’s will. Therefore he thought that if such a matrimonial love was lost it could not be called any more “marriage” and, uiniquely in that case, divorce could be justified. Milton did not underestimate marriage and divorce issue but contemplated very seriously the theme. Milton’s point of view added a new facet to the relationship between husband and wife. His thinking reveal us the fact that man and woman, united in spirit and faith, must have total equality before God. Fundamental nature of marriage is based on nuptial love and only such a marriage pleases God. According to Milton that is the very marriage which Jesus told about in the Gospels.

We chose Psalm 130:3-4 as today’s invocation verses ;- If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O Lord, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared.

Those verses lead us to forgive faults or bad behaviors of our life partner because we were forgiven by God. If we accuse severely and condemn our wife or husband, love might be broken. The poet sings ” If LORD kept a record of sins who could stand?” Indeed we, ordinary humans, are very weak and easily commit sins. Especially males have the tendency to indulge in sexual desire. Sometimes husband’s unfaithful acts crush family relationship. When it occurs and if his wife refuses to forgive him, marriage itself could be broken. Forgiveness is indispensable to preserve authentic marriage. And to forgive life partner in serious matters we need love of the Cross, shown by Jesus. We must acknowledge that we can forgive others because we are forgiven through Jesus’ blood. And matrimonial life based on that believing alone is suitable for christians. At the wedding ceremony we say ” In sickness and in health.” “In sickness” is not only physical state but also psychological sufferings due to partner’s sinful conduct.

Paul said ;- Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.(Colossians 3:13)
That is the very word given to us as wisdom for the ideal matrimonial life.
* Hillel and Shammai http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillel_and_Shammai
* Good news http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_news_(Christianity)
* John Milton http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Milton

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