
English Blog Serch

07 20

1. Jacob competes for the birthright

We are reading Genesis and it tells from chapter 12 ¡ÈPatriarchal history*¡É. The male protagonists of the Book till chapter 11 were Abraham, the father of the faith, and Isaac, the meek. Now we start learning about the life of Jacob. Jacob was a pragmatic and cunning man. He provoked unceasingly conflicts with his relatives and neighbors. It seems rather difficult to appreciate such a character. Nonetheless he succeeded the blessing of God for Abraham and Isaac then formed the Twelve Tribes of Israel. At first, we don¡Çt understand why God chose that undesirable person as his tool. But we are about to see the Providence or the plan of God behind Jacob¡Çs life story. God¡Çs will goes far beyond humans¡Ç thinking. From today for 3 sequences, we reflect on God¡Çs plan of salvation. (³¤­…)

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07 14

1. Isaac, a foreigner

We are reading the Book of Genesis and today¡Çs given passage is chapter 26:15-25. It tells about Isaac. The Book spends 13 chapters (12th to 25th) to the life of Abraham and 34 (from 27th to 50th) to Jacob. In contrast, Isaac¡Çs part is only chapter 26. Apparently, the writers gave less importance to him than to his father and son. However Isaac¡Çs way of living still teaches us another type of faith different from Abraham and Jacob. Personality of Isaac shows the virtue of gentleness and tolerance. We will reflect on the fruit of his faith by reading chapter 26 from the beginning. (³¤­…)

¥«¥Æ¥´¥ê¡¼: - admin @ 08»þ17ʬ45ÉÃ

07 06

1.God tested Abraham

Today, we will read about Abrahams¡Ç decision to sacrifice his only son, Isaacs. Abraham (formerly Abram) was a nomad living in Mesopotamia. But ; - The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your relatives, and your father’s family, and go to the land I will show you.(Genesis 12:1)
Thus he set out for Canaan, the place indicated by God. At that time, God said to him, ; - ¡ÈI will make you a great nation, and I will bless you. I will make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others.(Genesis 12:2) (³¤­…)

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