
English Blog Serch

10 30

1. The Joy of knowing Christ

Today we are reading from Philippians, Paul’s writings, of whom many researchers and commentators describe as the ‘Epistle of Joy.’ However circumstances under which Paul wrote this letter were extremely harsh and tense. He was imprisoned in Rome and destined for martyrdom. Normally, we mere humans, only feel joyful when we are in a favourable and comfortable situation. But in times of difficulties we can scarcely remain happy. So we could learn from this reading of Philippians chapter 3, how we could learn to know happiness in severe situations. (³¤­…)

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10 23

1. Internal Problems

Today we will read together from the Acts of the Apostles, chapter 6. Although the early church grew steadily since the day of Pentecost, we learn from this reading that there were certain disputes occurring within the community. (³¤­…)

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10 16

1. The Definitive Nature of Christ’s Work

In accordance with the church calendar, I will lecture today from the letter addressed to the Hebrews.* In fact, Hebrews was a sermon/treatise that was sent as a letter. There is much debate about authorship. Though traditionally credited to the Apostle Paul, the letter is anonymous. Most modern scholars, both conservative and critical, believe its author was not Paul. But we can only guess. However, it is clear that readers of the sermon/treatise had faced and continued to face persecution for their faith. They are likened to the Israelites in the wilderness. They needed to be informed concerning the superiority of Christianity and the new covenant, over the old sacrificial system of the old covenant. (³¤­…)

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10 08

# On the 4th Sunday of every month, Pastor Mizuguchi gives a lecture of reflections upon, “The Sermon on the Mount.” This session today, is the sixth of the series.

1. Prohibition

Today we are exploring another of Jesus’ antitheses on the fulfilment of the law. Jesus, on this occasion, was preaching the Sermon on the Mount* when he focused on the value of oaths. Matthew captures his teaching with these opening words: “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord ‘” (Matthew 5:33). Here Jesus was emphasising the importance of telling the truth. He further develops his theory about giving oaths: “But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne, or by earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great kink” (Matthew 5:34-35). (³¤­…)

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10 01

1. Believers under oppressions

Today we will read Peter’ letter addressed to the early Christians in Asia Minor. He wrote them to encourage believers there, who were suffering oppressions by non-christians. The christian life style was completely different from that of others, therefore they were always excluded or portrayed as nuisances by the surrounding societies. Peter’s writing reveals the harsh and difficult living conditions of the believers. (³¤­…)

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